What is
your job like?
trite as it may sound, I don't have a job, I have a passion that I am driven
by. My work as the Managing Director of Candid Marketing is primarily that of
developing our people into outstanding leaders and helping our clients build
their brands, both of which are integral to my own growth.
does your secretary think about you?
thinks I am particular to the point of being psychotic, but I have always
believed that god is in the details !
the smartest business Idea you have ever had?
idea that smart business ideas are just the starting point and what matters far
more is EXECUTION. Not really my own idea but one that I strongly believe in
because I have seen enough examples around me of great ideas falling at the
altar of poor execution.
the most embarrassing?
idea that (some) clients would be willing to supersede their personal
individual benefit for the growth of their brand. Unfortunately I have to face
this fairly regularly.
has been your biggest influence?
parents, I learnt the importance of integrity and belief in god from them.
Keeps me grounded every day of my life.
important Is money to you?
allows me to do things I enjoy, which in turn allows me to make more of myself
and contribute to others' lives. The circle feeds off itself.
is your most important work ethic or maxim that you practice everyday?
harder I work, the luckier I get.
Has your personal life suffered due to
On the
contrary, my personal life has always benefited from my work. I find that my
personal relationships are at their healthiest when I am happiest at my work
and vice versa.
How do you want to be remembered by
your colleagues?
its just enough that you're remembered by your colleagues! On a serious note, I
would like to be remembered as someone who added value to their lives
professionally and personally and helped them to become better human beings and
What time do you start and finish work?
business we're in means that our time doesn't belong to us, it belongs to our
clients. Having said that, I try to start work at 9 (unless I've watched a
Football game the night before) and try and wrap up the work day at about 7.
What Is the most valuable memento in
your office?
actually, My IIM Bangalore Degree and Cannes Lions Certificate of Honour on the
Does retirement scare you?
really, because I look forward to watching a lot more football and coaching young
kids. I can’t wait to be able to do that.
Have you ever been tempted to start out
on your own?
much so, gave in to the temptation even before Day 1 of my career.
What do you hate the most at work?
with bad attitude who stand in the way of their own growth.
How do you unwind?
I play
football to unwind. Green grass under your feet and an area 50 yards by 100
yards, you can run but you cannot hide. Nothing more exhilarating than that.