1. How
strong in your view is the trend of spends moving away from TV and print to the
BTL and more experiential and activation led spends?
Its directly related to people and consumer behavior as a whole,
consumers are becoming more and more active in choices they make rather than
passive in behavior. This doesn't mean mass media is dead and finished but it
certainly means the heady days are over and the decline has set in. Activation,
Mobile, social media, and a more empowered consumer are leading marketers to
develop plans that give consumers the proverbial 360-degree product experience
they can’t get from traditional media alone. Activation helps the brand extend
Experience, Education, Engagement & Excitement to consumers.
According to the EEMA White Paper, the Indian Events &
Activation industry has grown at over 20 percent during the last two years and
is expected to grow to INR 4,375 crore by 2013-14. While these numbers still
far behind the mass media numbers but the growth levels are quite intense. Add
to this the other experiential and active media spends and the turning tide is
2. Some
sharp trends being observed in this shift – in terms of quality as well as the
quantum of shift? Globally which are the markets leading this shift and also
which are the brands (and categories) leading this?
Key Trends:
- Digital media and technology spurring the growth of BTL
media: With the growing penetration of the internet and the mobile platforms,
marketers across industries and verticals are focusing on the digital media to
drive brand engagement
The key to brand
activation is the marrying of digital media and experiential activation.
Consumers love the combination of information at their fingertips and brands
experiences around them to make a more educated brand decision.
- Increasing number of Advertising and media groups
venturing into activation services - primarily through acquisitions
- Brand Activation
becoming a key element of the marking communication strategy and budgets as
against being a tactful media.
South-East Asia, Singapore, Malaysia,
Indonesia, Jakarta are fairly evolved markets for Activation than ours. This is
mainly owing to the number of malls and the retail industry being high.
Markets such as Brazil & Mexico are doing
some interesting work in the same space as well.
3. Going
forward what do you think would be the emerging face of activation – especially
with the huge onslaught of technology and digital mediums?
me, its a no-brainer, the future of activation lies in the marrying of digital
and experiential to create seamless and integrated activation campaigns. Over the past few years, consumer lifestyle has moved towards
increased interaction with the digital world. This has developed in multiple
ways, email, browsing, social media, e-commerce, mobile phone platforms -
gradually, people are developing an alternate digital lifestyle. Not to
substitute their real world existence but clearly to complement it to get more
out of their lives.
This throws up a lovely little challenge for marketers as much
as for marketing communication specialists. How do you communicate to and
activate consumers in the
real world AND the virtual world in an integrated manner? This
is particularly exciting and interesting from a Brand Activation viewpoint.
Consumers and internet users are increasingly showing an inclination to buying
on the internet in India.
This throws up massive opportunities for brands to create
digital engagement platforms with consumers and lead them to the ultimate brand
engagement - SALES. Historically, brands have been approaching offline and
online as silos and getting commensurate value, the future of brand engagement
in the next 10 years lies in making them work in conjunction and getting a
value plus!